JP Coordinators

  • Biography Ivan Gordon EERA-PV Coordinator - Manager PV Technologies and Energy Systems at IMEC/Hasselt University
    +32 472 61 79 20
  • Biography Simon Philipps EERA-PV Coordinator - Head of R&D Strategy
    Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

Sub-Programme Leaders

  • Rune Søndenå SP1- Silicon PV
  • Aldo di Carlo SP2- Perovskite PV
  • Iver Lauermann SP3 - Thin-film (non-perovskite) PV
  • Ivona Kafedjiska SP4 - Tandem and multi-junction PV
  • Ralph Gottschlag SP5 - Lifetime, reliability, and sustainability of PV system
  • Kaining Ding SP6 - Integrated PV
  • Marcus Rennhofer SP7 - Smart energy system integration of PV (including digitalization)
  • Pinar Derin Gure SP8 - Socio-economic aspects of photovoltaics (link with the industry, policy,and communications)